I have the following scenario:
I am trying to change the value of a cell by using a custom presenter (see below for the XAML). My custom presenter is being hit but the grid is not showing the new value returned by the cusom converter. Can someone point out what i am doing wrong?
<Style x:Key="cvpValueChange" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
<Setter Property="Value" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Value, Converter={StaticResource cvpValueConverter}}"/>
Joe -
I need to do the same thing that Martin is doing. I tried the sample you provided and it worked, but I only need the style on a single cell and now that cell looks different from the other cells (does not have the same padding/margin). I snooped the different cells and noticed there is a bunch of stuff (XamTextEditor...) in the default cells that is not in the cell with the converter. Is there a way to simply apply the converter to the value of the cell without recreating all of the cell's contents? Or should I make a style for normal cells too and not use the default style provided by Infragistics?
John Myczek
that worked. thanks