my XamComboEditor is created using a Binding for it's ItemsSource Property and it's SelectedItem Property. When initializing the XamComboEditor the default SelectedIndex, which is -1, is set and my bound property is set to null.
When interacting with the XamComboEditor the value is set absolutely as expected. The problem just occurs on initialization.
I fixed the problem by setting the the correct item again, using Dispactcher.Invoke, but I really do not like to do this.
Is this a bug or did I incorrectly instantiate the XamComboEditor?
Thanks in advance,
I'm not sure I follow the issue you are encountering. Do you have a sample that demonstrates the problem you are having?
Hello Andrew,
here's my code:
ComboEditorTool comboBox = new ComboEditorTool();comboBox.DataContext = dataContext;Binding itemsSourceBinding = new Binding();itemsSourceBinding.Path = new PropertyPath(itemsSourcePath);comboBox.SetBinding(ComboEditorTool.ItemsSourceProperty, itemsSourceBinding);Binding selectedItemBinding = new Binding();selectedItemBinding.Path = new PropertyPath(selectedItemPath);comboBox.SetBinding(ComboEditorTool.SelectedItemProperty, selectedItemBinding);comboBox.Caption = label;// ... Then the comboeditor is put to the ribbon ...
The tool is bound to an object containing a list and a selected item out of this list.
This works fine, when setting the currently selected item by clicking the combobox. The problem is, that my selected item has a value when setting up the ComboEditorTool and I want the control to display this. The getter of the data bound objects selectedItem property is requested, but then it is set to null. I think this is, because the SelectedIndex of the ComboEditorTool is -1 by default.
I subscribed for the selectedItemChanged Event of the ComboEditorTool. The event is fired once on startup and sets the correct initial value to null.
I hope I could make it more clearly now :-)
Thanks in advance,Stef