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Animation on grid and other questions


So far i have been reading a lot about WPF in a short time and can't solve some problems. Hope you guys cand clear the air for me.

1) I'm looking to implement some animations for the xamdatagrid rows. What i need is to create something like what the carousel does, expand the size of a row when i drag the mouse over it (i need a scaling effect on my datarow). Is that possible? And if yes, can that be done to a cell or any sort of control/component ? How?

 2) Can a datagrid cell contain a panel or any sort of container that holds another custom usercontrol, like the carouselPanel? (i know it may seem stupid...but it may work, in classic infra with a little creation filter rewriting you could do just about anything :D )

3) If there is an accessible function just like CreationFilter, is there any way to get some sort of support for rewriting it, so that we may modify WPF controls?

4) I see here valuelists are not so popular, do you recomand not using them?

Thank you, I hope someone can answer nr 1 and 2 since they are a more pressing matter.

No Data
  • 69686
    Verified Answer


    1. Regarding the Scaling Effects. If you want to scale a records, you can create a style for the DataRecordPresenter and scale it. Something like this:

    <Style  TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">
    <Setter Property="RenderTransformOrigin" Value="0,0.5"/>
    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1"/>
    <EventSetter Event="MouseEnter" Handler="dp_MouseEnter"/>
    <EventSetter Event="MouseLeave" Handler="dp_MouseLeave"/>


    void dp_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


                if (sender != null)


                    DataRecordPresenter dp = sender as DataRecordPresenter;

                    dp.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(1, 1);



            void dp_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


                if (sender != null)


                    DataRecordPresenter dp = sender as DataRecordPresenter;

                    dp.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(1.2, 1.2);



    You can do it on any element. If you want on a Cell, the target type should be CellValuePresenter. You can do the same for the other parts of the XamDataGrid - LabelPresenter, RecordSelector, ExpansionIndicator,etc.

    Moreover, you can take a look at the default styles for our controls/parts in the DefaultStyles directory in the Infragistics folder on your computer. This also concerns your second question - yes, the CellValuePresenter can hold any element as its content property is of type object. All you have to do is retemplate it using these default styles as a basis for your own. You might find useful looking at this post by Andrew Smith about hosting elements in the XamDataGrid.

    In the case of hosting complex elements in a Cell, you should be aware of the nesting element depth limitation of the WPF framework (I believe around 255).

    I am not quite sure what you mean by CreationFilter, so please give us more information about that.

    4) We recommend using collections that support two-way binding like ObservableCollection<T> or BindingList<T> which are most commonly used with the XamDataGrid. Of course, you can use any collection,list that you want.

    Hope this helps
