I have a sorted data grid. By default it displays everything collapsed.
By handling the InitializeRecord event in the code-behind file I can set Record.IsExpanded = true and get the grid to display everything expanded at startup.
How can I do the same thing in XAML?
- Dave
Hello Dave,
You can create a style for the DataRecordPresenter and add a setter for IsExpanded property to true.
You can also use a EventTrigger and use igDP:XamDataGrid.Loaded event to expand them with the same setter.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the quick reply!
Here's a more basic question: How do I get to the DataRecordPresenter properly?
I've implemented the example from the Help page that puts buttons in cells of a data grid.
I've created a style as follows:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">
<Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="True" />
Shouldn't this automatically apply to all igDP:DataRecordPresenter objects in the system?
Or do I need to specify an x:Key in the Style? If so, where in the XamDataGrid definition to I reference this key?
You should not set key to the style so that it would be applied by default. Also, if you have set a theme for the XamDataPresenter, you should put that style in the Resources section of the XamDataGrid itself, because WPF support only one local style.
Alex --
I tried the following:
1. ) I embedded the the Event Trigger XAML (from your post) within a Style Element in the Window.Resources area that is being applied to all igDP:DataRecordPresenter object.
This does not seem change anything.
2.) I embedded the Event Trigger XAML (from your post) within a <igDP:XamDataGrid.Triggers> Element within the <igDP:XamDataGrid> declaration. This time I got a compile error because the compiler couldn't figure out what I meant by the "IsExpanded" property.
When I handle the InitializeRecords event in the code-behind I set the IsEnabled property of DataPresenter.Record.
How do I get access to DataPresenter.Record in the XAML file?
Is there some way to get here from <igDP:XamDataGrid.Records> or
I had a similar experience with this same project. Following the example in the Help I was handling the FieldLayoutInitialized event so I could Collapse the Visibility of the field that was used as the grouping criteria.
I saw that since I was already looking at the first FieldLayout in the XAML all I had to do was declare a Field object with the Name of the field to be collapsed. Thus, I no longer needed to do this in the code-behind file.
I'm looking to do something similar to this for the DataPresenter.Record.IsExpanded, but I can't figure out how to get access to the DataPresenter object in XAML.
Test this and let me know if that works for you:
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="igDP:XamDataGrid.Loaded">
<BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty="IsExpanded" Duration="0:0:0">
<DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame Value="True"/>
This was my attempt to implement your first suggestion.
I can make the Data Grid come up Expanded if I handle the InitializeRecord event in the code-behind file and set the Record.IsEpanded property to True.
What I'm looking for is a way to do this in XAML, so I can keep my code-behind file as simple as possible.
(I'm using Dependency Injection with the M-V-VM pattern to allow unit tests to be as complete as possible.)
I can't figure out how to get at the correct instances of the Record classes from XAML without handling an event.
This may be more of a WPF question rather then a specifically Infragistics question.
I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve with this setter:
True is the default value of that property.
Am I missing something?
Still not working.
Here's my XAML file:
Window x:Class="DataPresenterExample.ButtonCell" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:igDP="http://infragistics.com/DataPresenter" Title="ButtonCell" Height="600" Width="600">