Hello !
I 'd like to know if it's possible to add to the Axis an other Label type ? My axis define the unit with a label, good, but i want also define the type and the united of the axis.
For Example :
My primaryX Axis is labeled all the 1 units. Good but 1 is in cm ? m ? And what is labelled all the 1 unit ? day, week ? Is it possible to indicate this informations via the Axis or where i can put this information ?
Thank you for asking me.
You can add units to your axis labels by using the label formatting. For example:<my:Axis.Label> <my:Label Angle="0" Format=" {0} cm" /></my:Axis.Label>This would add the word "cm" after each label on the axis
Hello! Thank you for your answer, I have an another one. I generate a chart which I only set the unit on the Y axis. The Y Axis automatically set the MIN and MAX at -12 and -12.
For this Axis i want a unit of 5 therefore (5 and 10). However, by putting my unit at 5, AxisY generate dummy units. For the positive part he generates me units at 3 and 8 and for the negatives part he generates me units at -2, -7, and -12.
Why unit at 5 it is not taken into account?
Thank you for your reply. Regards
The Unit of 5 means the interval between the gridlines will be equal to 5. The labels will start from the axis min value + a multiple of the unit value. When AutoRange is set to true, the chart will pick the min value automatically, so there's no guarantee that axis min will be a multiple of 5. The only way that will happen is if you set an explicit Minimum and Maximum for your axis and set AutoRange to false.