I'm creating a xamDataGrid that groups by a name column. This works perfectly, but the sort order on the group headers seems to be alphabetical and applying a sort order by the date column only sorts the rows within the groups, it doesn't re-order the group headers themselves into date order.
Is there any way to do this or am I heading down a dead-end?
I'm also interested in this. In my case I have a date field i would like grouped and sorted descending instead of ascending.
@rp8049: I am sorry, I did not quite understood what you are trying to achieve. Can you please provide more information (screenshot,sample,steps to reproduce) about this problem.
Have you tried the direction property of the SortDescription.
If the user is grouping, you can use the Grouping event:
void xamDataGrid1_Grouping(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.GroupingEventArgs e)
e.Groups[0].Direction = System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending;
If the XamDataGrid is loaded as grouped, you should set this in the FieldLayout sorted fields collection.
I have groupings with the totals displaying in the group headers for all the numeric columns(ex col2, col3, col4) and group by is applied on col1 and colm5. If I sort by col2, I need the group by header to sort based on the totals for col2 on the group header. If i use custom GroupByComparer, it gives me GroupByRecord object for comparision, GroupByRecord object has just the description and not the cells by summary values(totals on the header) which I can use for sort comparision. How can I get the Totals on each of the group header from GroupByRecord.
Hello Jaffar,
You can use the following code, where “gbr” is the GroupByRecord:
int result; var summary = gbr.DescriptionWithSummaries.TrimStart(gbr.Description.ToCharArray()).Split(new char[]{' ',','}); for (int i = 0; i < summary.Length; i++) { if (summary[i] == "Count") { result = Int32.Parse(summary[i + 2]); } }
Hope this helps you.
Hi Stefan,
DescriptionWithSummaries has just the description(ex. "27,175.00 (1 item)") and not the totals, as i am setting teh GroupBySummaryDisplayMode to "SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription" and not text . I tried iterating the child records but they too just have the descriptions.
If you set the GroupBySummaryDisplayMode to SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription yo ucan use the following code:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { GroupByRecordPresenter gbrp = GroupByRecordPresenter.FromRecord(gbr) as GroupByRecordPresenter; GroupBySummariesPresenter gbsp = Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(gbrp, typeof(GroupBySummariesPresenter), true) as GroupBySummariesPresenter; int result = Int32.Parse(gbsp.SummaryResults.Where(t => t.DisplayText.Contains("Count")).FirstOrDefault().Value.ToString()); }), DispatcherPriority.Background, null);
A workaround will be to use different sortComparer for different columns, but If I know the columns being sorted it will be more generic.
Thanks Stefan, this works fine if I have 1 column with total ... but if I have 2 columns with total in the summary, is there a way to know which column is being sorted in the sortcomparer... I can get the individual total value of these columns from SummaryDefinition in the SummaryResults but dont know which column value to use for comparision as I dont have the current column on which sort is being applied.