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XamNumericEditor Format problems


I'm using a NumericEditor in an application but it doesn't seems to work. I've done a very simple test application to show the bad behaviour of the editor. I've used the workaround to initialize the default Language value based on the current culture (

I write this on the editor: "123123123" and the control shows this while I'm editing: _123.123.123,__ and when I change the focus to another control, the editor shows: "123,00". Any idea?

<Window x:Class="InfragisticsTest.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="83" Width="206">
        <ifged:XamNumericEditor x:Name="txtTest" />

Thanks a lot in advance,


PS: I'm using 8.2 version because I need the DateTimePicker. I've tried with the 7.2 and works fine!

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    we have exactly the same problem. I think this problem is related to the decimal point.  When you provide while typing in the number  i.e 90000.00 it works fine. Without typing the decimal point 90000 comes out as 90.00. We urgently need a fix for this bug.

    We are also using 8.2 version because of the DateTimePicker. 8.1 version of the wpf control also work fine


