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Close all panes

HI, I have the following XamDockManager:

        <igDm:XamDockManager x:Name="MainDockManager" Background="{DynamicResource ApplicationBackground}">
                    <igDm:TabGroupPane x:Name="ContentsPane" />


The TabGroupPane is supposed to be like VS2008's main content area which hosts the designers etc.  I add to the collection using the following code:

               // content == a UserControl subclass

               pane = new ContentPane();
               pane.Content = content;
               pane.CloseAction = PaneCloseAction.RemovePane;
               ContentsPane.Items.Add( pane );

I'm trying to implement the Close All Windows command, like in VS2008, without closing any other panes I might have.  Any ideas?



  • 54937
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    You can use the GetPanes method of the XamDockManager to enumerate the panes and build a list of the documents. Then iterate that list and close the panes.


                Func<ContentPanebool> findDocuments = delegate(ContentPane pane) {
                    return pane.PaneLocation == PaneLocation.Document;
                // use the func above to filter the pane enumerator to just
                // the ones that are documents
                IEnumerable<ContentPane> allDocuments = this.dockManager.GetPanes(PaneNavigationOrder.ActivationOrder).Where(findDocuments);
                // build a list of all the document panes
                List<ContentPane> panes = new List<ContentPane>(allDocuments);
                foreach (ContentPane pane in panes)
                    // if you want to remove the pane completely from the dockmanager...
                    //pane.CloseAction = PaneCloseAction.RemovePane;


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