hi all,
i have infragistics editor(DateTimeEditor), i want to hide the tday button of the Monthcaledar COntrol which is dropdown after click dropdown button.
more over is it possible that i can attach a seperate XamMOnthcalendar to my XamDateTimeEditor.
To change properties on the xamMonthCalendar used by the xamDateTimeEditor you could just add a style targeting the xamMonthCalendar to the grid's resources; be careful not to put it higher if you are setting the Theme property since that will put a resourcedictionary with the styles for wpf, editors and dp in the resources chain of the datapresenter.
I'm not sure what you mean by attaching a separate xamMonthCalendar. You can retemplate the xamDateTimeEditor to contain a different or modified xamMonthCalendar - the default template just has a xamMonthCalendar in a Popup.
hi Andrew,
thanks for reply. i did think on to create a style for it.
i mean seperate XamMOnthcalender means if i create a XamMonthCalendar like <igEditor:XamMonthCAlendar> with all properties set as per my requirement. then this particular XammonthCalendar, can i attached to my XamDateTimeEditor.
some thing like this
<igEditor:XAmMonthCaledar x:name="myCalendar" . . .. . ./>
<igEditor:XamDateTimeeditor x:Name="myDatetimeeditor">
</igEditor:XamDateTimeeditor >