Hi all,
i am working on a WPF application, which also uses the WPF Excel Engine..
I am using the latest version of IG controls, 24.1.39
i am trying to add a linecghart to excel, using the AddChart/SetSource Data Methods.
A stripped down datatable has two columns, a string, and a double column.
Filling this with some data reuslts in the following problem.
Wen i use integers for CellValues out of the dataset all is fine, excel docuiment opens without problems.
When usimng a double value, the excel file complains about seome wrong data in there, auto fixcing works, the chart itself displays correctly then. But we cannot ship the application with that error message of course.
Are there any ideas out there, what might go wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
i added a small sample project to show the probelm.ExcelTest.zip
I run the same as it is (with double value) i dont get the error/complain message . May i know which version of MS excel file do you have it installed? and please share the screenshot of error message /dialog you are getting.
Hi Divya, thanks for the answer.
Personally i am running Excel from the Office Professional Plus 2021 package. Collegues run Excel 2019.
All have same problem.
The screenshots were supposed to be attached in my original posts, disappeared anyhow.
I try again. Its in German though (also tried to set the culture for the workbook, did not help)
The second screenshot appears, when confirming the first message with "Yes".
It displays and charts the data correctly, so i really dont know whats going on here.
p.s. i again tried to attach images, they are auto deleted by the system.
Hi Divya,
Number format settings are identical to your screenshort. Decimal,grouping symbol show as expected in your screenshot.
For the Region format i do have "same as windows", since my windows installtion itself is german, also i use a german office, meaning also a german Excel, maybe this is the importtant point.
Hello Thomas,
Its good that you were able to narrow down the issue, so if the issue is with German setting then i would like to have the same setting at my end and should be able to reproduce the issue , i open the control panel-> region setting and changed the format to German(Germany) pow i would like to know what is the setting for number in Germany?
I attached a doc file with the screenshot , help me with the settings and ill see if i am able to reproduce it.
Hi Divya, thanks for the answering again.
I think i found out whats going on.
U used the small demo app i provided on your machine, having no problems.
I sent the Excel tile to a US collegue, he got the same problems.
So, its not Excel or any Excel version, its the file.
The difference is the locale, in my thread/app where i cteate the XLSX i had a locale of "de-DE", you had maybe "en-US".
So i changed the Culture of the thread generating the excel to US and the file can be opened without problems.
Obvioulsy a "," , "." decimal sign thing, but still not quite clear why, the cell values are doubles anyway.
So i found something, but have to rework, my localized text for column headers and so on.
Thanks for the help.
Unfortunately i am not getting any error message with your sample and also dint get your attachment.
Can you putt he image in the doc file and share with us also if you can copy the error message and translate it into English then it would be much helpful, we can google the error and see if someone ever encounter and rectify this error.