Does anyone know of a working example for putting the WPF syntax editor in a winform? I've searched all over, and even chatGPT, but it can't provide a working example.
Hello Sean,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. This is documented on MSDN
After you've added the assemblies for the XamSyntaxEditor, adding the component to a Windows Forms project is fairly straightforward.
public partial class Form1 : Form { private ElementHost _ctrlHost; public XamSyntaxEditor syntaxEditor; public TextDocument document; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); _ctrlHost = new ElementHost(); syntaxEditor = new XamSyntaxEditor(); _ctrlHost.Child = this.syntaxEditor; document = new Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument(); document.InitializeText("Hello, World!"); syntaxEditor.Document = document; _ctrlHost.Width = 800; _ctrlHost.Height = 450; this.Controls.Add(_ctrlHost); }
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, that did the trick. One more thing... I'm trying to use it as a sql parser and I'm using the code on this page...
Supported Languages - Infragistics WPF Help
syntaxEditor.Document.Language = TSqlLanguage.Instance;
But it tells me...
Cannot resolve symbol 'TSqlLanguage'
I'd also like to show line numbers.
Well the images aren't tied into anything yet, so just remove them and it'll be fine.
I cleaned the project and now I am getting this error:
Here's that file. Also, I can upload the whole thing so you can get any other files you need if you give me a location.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <doc> <assembly> <name>INIFileParser</name> </assembly> <members> <member name="M:IniParser.Helpers.Assert.StringHasNoBlankSpaces(System.String)"> <summary> Asserts that a strings has no blank spaces. </summary> <param name="s">The string to be checked.</param> <returns></returns> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.FileIniDataParser"> <summary> Represents an INI data parser for files. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.#ctor"> <summary> Ctor </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.#ctor(IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser)"> <summary> Ctor </summary> <param name="parser"></param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.ReadFile(System.String)"> <summary> Implements reading ini data from a file. </summary> <remarks> Uses <see cref="P:System.Text.Encoding.Default"/> codification for the file. </remarks> <param name="filePath"> Path to the file </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.ReadFile(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)"> <summary> Implements reading ini data from a file. </summary> <param name="filePath"> Path to the file </param> <param name="fileEncoding"> File's encoding. </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.SaveFile(System.String,IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Saves INI data to a file. </summary> <remarks> Creats an ASCII encoded file by default. </remarks> <param name="filePath"> Path to the file. </param> <param name="parsedData"> IniData to be saved as an INI file. </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.FileIniDataParser.WriteFile(System.String,IniParser.Model.IniData,System.Text.Encoding)"> <summary> Writes INI data to a text file. </summary> <param name="filePath"> Path to the file. </param> <param name="parsedData"> IniData to be saved as an INI file. </param> <param name="fileEncoding"> Specifies the encoding used to create the file. </param> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"> <summary> Represents all data from an INI file </summary> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Model.IniData._sections"> <summary> Represents all sections from an INI file </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.#ctor"> <summary> Initializes an empty IniData instance. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.#ctor(IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection)"> <summary> Initializes a new IniData instance using a previous <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/>. </summary> <param name="sdc"> <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> object containing the data with the sections of the file </param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Configuration"> <summary> Configuration used to write an ini file with the proper delimiter characters and data. </summary> <remarks> If the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance was created by a parser, this instance is a copy of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> used by the parser (i.e. different objects instances) If this instance is created programatically without using a parser, this property returns an instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Global"> <summary> Global sections. Contains key/value pairs which are not enclosed in any section (i.e. they are defined at the beginning of the file, before any section. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Item(System.String)"> <summary> Gets the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> instance with the specified section name. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Sections"> <summary> Gets or sets all the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> for this IniData instance. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.SectionKeySeparator"> <summary> Used to mark the separation between the section name and the key name when using <see cref="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.TryGetKey(System.String,System.String@)"/>. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to '.'. </remarks> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Model.IniData._configuration"> <summary> See property <see cref="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Configuration"/> for more information. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.ClearAllComments"> <summary> Deletes all comments in all sections and key values </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.Merge(IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Merges the other iniData into this one by overwriting existing values. Comments get appended. </summary> <param name="toMergeIniData"> IniData instance to merge into this. If it is null this operation does nothing. </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.TryGetKey(System.String,System.String@)"> <summary> Attempts to retrieve a key, using a single string combining section and key name. </summary> <param name="key"> The section and key name to retrieve, separated by <see cref="!:IniParserConfiguration.SectionKeySeparator"/>. If key contains no separator, it is treated as a key in the <see cref="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Global"/> section. Key may contain no more than one separator character. </param> <param name="value"> If true is returned, is set to the value retrieved. Otherwise, is set to an empty string. </param> <returns> True if key was found, otherwise false. </returns> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> key contained multiple separators. </exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.GetKey(System.String)"> <summary> Retrieves a key using a single input string combining section and key name. </summary> <param name="key"> The section and key name to retrieve, separated by <see cref="!:IniParserConfiguration.SectionKeySeparator"/>. If key contains no separator, it is treated as a key in the <see cref="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Global"/> section. Key may contain no more than one separator character. </param> <returns> The key's value if it was found, otherwise null. </returns> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> key contained multiple separators. </exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.MergeSection(IniParser.Model.SectionData)"> <summary> Merge the sections into this by overwriting this sections. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniData.MergeGlobal(IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection)"> <summary> Merges the given global values into this globals by overwriting existing values. </summary> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"> <summary> Information associated to a key from an INI file. Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyData.#ctor(System.String)"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> class. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyData.#ctor(IniParser.Model.KeyData)"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> class from a previous instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/>. </summary> <remarks> Data is deeply copied </remarks> <param name="ori"> The instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> class used to create the new instance. </param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.KeyData.Comments"> <summary> Gets or sets the comment list associated to this key. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.KeyData.Value"> <summary> Gets or sets the value associated to this key. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.KeyData.KeyName"> <summary> Gets or sets the name of the key. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyData.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"> <summary> Represents a collection of Keydata. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.#ctor"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> class. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> class with a given search comparer </summary> <param name="searchComparer"> Search comparer used to find the key by name in the collection </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.#ctor(IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> class from a previous instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/>. </summary> <remarks> Data from the original KeyDataCollection instance is deeply copied </remarks> <param name="ori"> The instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> class used to create the new instance. </param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.Item(System.String)"> <summary> Gets or sets the value of a concrete key. </summary> <remarks> If we try to assign the value of a key which doesn't exists, a new key is added with the name and the value is assigned to it. </remarks> <param name="keyName"> Name of the key </param> <returns> The string with key's value or null if the key was not found. </returns> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.Count"> <summary> Return the number of keys in the collection </summary> </member> <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.AddKey(System.String)" --> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.AddKey(IniParser.Model.KeyData)"> <summary> Adds a new key to the collection </summary> <param name="keyData"> KeyData instance. </param> <returns> <c>true</c> if the key was added <c>false</c> if a key with the same name already exist in the collection </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.AddKey(System.String,System.String)"> <summary> Adds a new key with the specified name and value to the collection </summary> <param name="keyName"> Name of the new key to be added. </param> <param name="keyValue"> Value associated to the key. </param> <returns> <c>true</c> if the key was added <c>false</c> if a key with the same name already exist in the collection. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.ClearComments"> <summary> Clears all comments of this section </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.ContainsKey(System.String)"> <summary> Gets if a specifyed key name exists in the collection. </summary> <param name="keyName">Key name to search</param> <returns><c>true</c> if a key with the specified name exists in the collectoin <c>false</c> otherwise</returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.GetKeyData(System.String)"> <summary> Retrieves the data for a specified key given its name </summary> <param name="keyName">Name of the key to retrieve.</param> <returns> A <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> instance holding the key information or <c>null</c> if the key wasn't found. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.RemoveAllKeys"> <summary> Deletes all keys in this collection. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.RemoveKey(System.String)"> <summary> Deletes a previously existing key, including its associated data. </summary> <param name="keyName">The key to be removed.</param> <returns> <c>true</c> if a key with the specified name was removed <c>false</c> otherwise. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.SetKeyData(IniParser.Model.KeyData)"> <summary> Sets the key data associated to a specified key. </summary> <param name="data">The new <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> for the key.</param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.GetEnumerator"> <summary> Allows iteration througt the collection. </summary> <returns>A strong-typed IEnumerator </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator"> <summary> Implementation needed </summary> <returns>A weak-typed IEnumerator.</returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection._keyData"> <summary> Collection of KeyData for a given section </summary> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"> <summary> Information associated to a section in a INI File Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> class. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.#ctor(IniParser.Model.SectionData,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> class from a previous instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/>. </summary> <remarks> Data is deeply copied </remarks> <param name="ori"> The instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> class used to create the new instance. </param> <param name="searchComparer"> Search comparer. </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.ClearComments"> <summary> Deletes all comments in this section and key/value pairs </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.ClearKeyData"> <summary> Deletes all the key-value pairs in this section. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.Merge(IniParser.Model.SectionData)"> <summary> Merges otherSection into this, adding new keys if they don't exists or overwriting values if the key already exists. Comments get appended. </summary> <remarks> Comments are also merged but they are always added, not overwritten. </remarks> <param name="toMergeSection"></param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.SectionData.SectionName"> <summary> Gets or sets the name of the section. </summary> <value> The name of the section </value> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.SectionData.Comments"> <summary> Gets or sets the comment list associated to this section. </summary> <value> A list of strings. </value> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.SectionData.Keys"> <summary> Gets or sets the keys associated to this section. </summary> <value> A collection of KeyData objects. </value> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionData.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"> <summary> <para>Represents a collection of SectionData.</para> </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.#ctor"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> class. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> class. </summary> <param name="searchComparer"> StringComparer used when accessing section names </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.#ctor(IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{System.String})"> <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> class from a previous instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/>. </summary> <remarks> Data is deeply copied </remarks> <param name="ori"> The instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> class used to create the new instance.</param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.Count"> <summary> Returns the number of SectionData elements in the collection </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.Item(System.String)"> <summary> Gets the key data associated to a specified section name. </summary> <value>An instance of as <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> class holding the key data from the current parsed INI data, or a <c>null</c> value if the section doesn't exist.</value> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.AddSection(System.String)"> <summary> Creates a new section with empty data. </summary> <remarks> <para>If a section with the same name exists, this operation has no effect.</para> </remarks> <param name="keyName">Name of the section to be created</param> <return><c>true</c> if the a new section with the specified name was added, <c>false</c> otherwise</return> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">If the section name is not valid.</exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.Add(IniParser.Model.SectionData)"> <summary> Adds a new SectionData instance to the collection </summary> <param name="data">Data.</param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.Clear"> <summary> Removes all entries from this collection </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.ContainsSection(System.String)"> <summary> Gets if a section with a specified name exists in the collection. </summary> <param name="keyName">Name of the section to search</param> <returns> <c>true</c> if a section with the specified name exists in the collection <c>false</c> otherwise </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.GetSectionData(System.String)"> <summary> Returns the section data from a specify section given its name. </summary> <param name="sectionName">Name of the section.</param> <returns> An instance of a <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> class holding the section data for the currently INI data </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.SetSectionData(System.String,IniParser.Model.SectionData)"> <summary> Sets the section data for given a section name. </summary> <param name="sectionName"></param> <param name="data">The new <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/>instance.</param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.RemoveSection(System.String)"> <summary> </summary> <param name="keyName"></param> <return><c>true</c> if the section with the specified name was removed, <c>false</c> otherwise</return> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.GetEnumerator"> <summary> Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. </summary> <returns> A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that can be used to iterate through the collection. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator"> <summary> Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. </summary> <returns> An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection._sectionData"> <summary> Data associated to this section </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Formatting.DefaultIniDataFormatter.Configuration"> <summary> Configuration used to write an ini file with the proper delimiter characters and data. </summary> <remarks> If the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance was created by a parser, this instance is a copy of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> used by the parser (i.e. different objects instances) If this instance is created programatically without using a parser, this property returns an instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> </remarks> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.Formatting.IIniDataFormatter"> <summary> Formats a IniData structure to an string </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.Formatting.IIniDataFormatter.IniDataToString(IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Produces an string given </summary> <returns>The data to string.</returns> <param name="iniData">Ini data.</param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Formatting.IIniDataFormatter.Configuration"> <summary> Configuration used by this formatter when converting IniData to an string </summary> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.IniDataCaseInsensitive"> <summary> Represents all data from an INI file exactly as the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> class, but searching for sections and keys names is done with a case insensitive search. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniDataCaseInsensitive.#ctor"> <summary> Initializes an empty IniData instance. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniDataCaseInsensitive.#ctor(IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection)"> <summary> Initializes a new IniData instance using a previous <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/>. </summary> <param name="sdc"> <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionDataCollection"/> object containing the data with the sections of the file </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.IniDataCaseInsensitive.#ctor(IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Copies an instance of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniDataCaseInsensitive"/> class </summary> <param name="ori">Original </param> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"> <summary> Defines data for a Parser configuration object. </summary> With a configuration object you can redefine how the parser will detect special items in the ini file by defining new regex (e.g. you can redefine the comment regex so it just treat text as a comment iff the comment caracter is the first in the line) or changing the set of characters used to define elements in the ini file (e.g. change the 'comment' caracter from ';' to '#') You can also define how the parser should treat errors, or how liberal or conservative should it be when parsing files with "strange" formats. </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.#ctor"> <summary> Default values used if an instance of <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> is created without specifying a configuration. </summary> <remarks> By default the various delimiters for the data are setted: <para>';' for one-line comments</para> <para>'[' ']' for delimiting a section</para> <para>'=' for linking key / value pairs</para> <example> An example of well formed data with the default values: <para> ;section comment<br/> [section] ; section comment<br/> <br/> ; key comment<br/> key = value ;key comment<br/> <br/> ;key2 comment<br/> key2 = value<br/> </para> </example> </remarks> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.#ctor(IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration)"> <summary> Copy ctor. </summary> <param name="ori"> Original instance to be copied. </param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.SectionStartChar"> <summary> Sets the char that defines the start of a section name. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to character '[' </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.SectionEndChar"> <summary> Sets the char that defines the end of a section name. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to character ']' </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.CaseInsensitive"> <summary> Retrieving section / keys by name is done with a case-insensitive search. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to false (case sensitive search) </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.CommentChar"> <summary> Sets the char that defines the start of a comment. A comment spans from the comment character to the end of the line. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to character ';' </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.CommentString"> <summary> Sets the string that defines the start of a comment. A comment spans from the mirst matching comment string to the end of the line. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to string ";" </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.NewLineStr"> <summary> Gets or sets the string to use as new line string when formating an IniData structure using a IIniDataFormatter. Parsing an ini-file accepts any new line character (Unix/windows) </summary> <remarks> This allows to write a file with unix new line characters on windows (and vice versa) </remarks> <value>Defaults to value Environment.NewLine</value> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.KeyValueAssigmentChar"> <summary> Sets the char that defines a value assigned to a key </summary> <remarks> Defaults to character '=' </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AssigmentSpacer"> <summary> Sets the string around KeyValuesAssignmentChar </summary> <remarks> Defaults to string ' ' </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AllowKeysWithoutSection"> <summary> Allows having keys in the file that don't belong to any section. i.e. allows defining keys before defining a section. If set to <c>false</c> and keys without a section are defined, the <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> will stop with an error. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>true</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AllowDuplicateKeys"> <summary> If set to <c>false</c> and the <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> finds duplicate keys in a section the parser will stop with an error. If set to <c>true</c>, duplicated keys are allowed in the file. The value of the duplicate key will be the last value asigned to the key in the file. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>false</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.OverrideDuplicateKeys"> <summary> Only used if <see cref="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AllowDuplicateKeys"/> is also <c>true</c> If set to <c>true</c> when the parser finds a duplicate key, it overrites the previous value, so the key will always contain the value of the last key readed in the file If set to <c>false</c> the first readed value is preserved, so the key will always contain the value of the first key readed in the file </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>false</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.ConcatenateDuplicateKeys"> <summary> Gets or sets a value indicating whether duplicate keys are concatenate together by <see cref="!:ConcatenateSeparator"/>. </summary> <value> Defaults to <c>false</c>. </value> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.ThrowExceptionsOnError"> <summary> If <c>true</c> the <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> instance will thrown an exception if an error is found. If <c>false</c> the parser will just stop execution and return a null value. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>true</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AllowDuplicateSections"> <summary> If set to <c>false</c> and the <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> finds a duplicate section the parser will stop with an error. If set to <c>true</c>, duplicated sections are allowed in the file, but only a <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> element will be created in the <see cref="P:IniParser.Model.IniData.Sections"/> collection. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>false</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.AllowCreateSectionsOnFly"> <summary> If set to <c>false</c>, the <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> stop with a error if you try to access a section that was not created previously and the parser will stop with an error. If set to <c>true</c>, inexistents sections are created, always returning a valid <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.SectionData"/> element. </summary> <remarks> Defaults to <c>false</c>. </remarks> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration.Clone"> <summary> Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. </summary> <returns> A new object that is a copy of this instance. </returns> <filterpriority>2</filterpriority> </member> <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:IniParser.Model.Configuration.ConcatenateDuplicatedKeysIniParserConfiguration.ConcatenateSeparator" --> <member name="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"> <summary> Responsible for parsing an string from an ini file, and creating an <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> structure. </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.#ctor"> <summary> Ctor </summary> <remarks> The parser uses a <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> by default </remarks> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.#ctor(IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration)"> <summary> Ctor </summary> <param name="parserConfiguration"> Parser's <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.Configuration.IniParserConfiguration"/> instance. </param> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.Configuration"> <summary> Configuration that defines the behaviour and constraints that the parser must follow. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.HasError"> <summary> True is the parsing operation encounter any problem </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.Errors"> <summary> Returns the list of errors found while parsing the ini file. </summary> <remarks> If the configuration option ThrowExceptionOnError is false it can contain one element for each problem found while parsing; otherwise it will only contain the very same exception that was raised. </remarks> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.Parse(System.String)"> <summary> Parses a string containing valid ini data </summary> <param name="iniDataString"> String with data </param> <returns> An <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance with the data contained in the <paramref name="iniDataString"/> correctly parsed an structured. </returns> <exception cref="T:IniParser.Exceptions.ParsingException"> Thrown if the data could not be parsed </exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.LineContainsAComment(System.String)"> <summary> Checks if a given string contains a comment. </summary> <param name="line"> String with a line to be checked. </param> <returns> <c>true</c> if any substring from s is a comment, <c>false</c> otherwise. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.LineMatchesASection(System.String)"> <summary> Checks if a given string represents a section delimiter. </summary> <param name="line"> The string to be checked. </param> <returns> <c>true</c> if the string represents a section, <c>false</c> otherwise. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.LineMatchesAKeyValuePair(System.String)"> <summary> Checks if a given string represents a key / value pair. </summary> <param name="line"> The string to be checked. </param> <returns> <c>true</c> if the string represents a key / value pair, <c>false</c> otherwise. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ExtractComment(System.String)"> <summary> Removes a comment from a string if exist, and returns the string without the comment substring. </summary> <param name="line"> The string we want to remove the comments from. </param> <returns> The string s without comments. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ProcessLine(System.String,IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Processes one line and parses the data found in that line (section or key/value pair who may or may not have comments) </summary> <param name="currentLine">The string with the line to process</param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ProcessSection(System.String,IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Proccess a string which contains an ini section. </summary> <param name="line"> The string to be processed </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ProcessKeyValuePair(System.String,IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Processes a string containing an ini key/value pair. </summary> <param name="line"> The string to be processed </param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ExtractKey(System.String)"> <summary> Extracts the key portion of a string containing a key/value pair.. </summary> <param name="s"> The string to be processed, which contains a key/value pair </param> <returns> The name of the extracted key. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.ExtractValue(System.String)"> <summary> Extracts the value portion of a string containing a key/value pair.. </summary> <param name="s"> The string to be processed, which contains a key/value pair </param> <returns> The name of the extracted value. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.HandleDuplicatedKeyInCollection(System.String,System.String,IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection,System.String)"> <summary> Abstract Method that decides what to do in case we are trying to add a duplicated key to a section </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser.AddKeyToKeyValueCollection(System.String,System.String,IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection,System.String)"> <summary> Adds a key to a concrete <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> instance, checking if duplicate keys are allowed in the configuration </summary> <param name="key"> Key name </param> <param name="value"> Key's value </param> <param name="keyDataCollection"> <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyData"/> collection where the key should be inserted </param> <param name="sectionName"> Name of the section where the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.KeyDataCollection"/> is contained. Used only for logging purposes. </param> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser._currentCommentListTemp"> <summary> Temp list of comments </summary> </member> <member name="F:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser._currentSectionNameTemp"> <summary> Tmp var with the name of the seccion which is being process </summary> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser"> <summary> Represents an INI data parser for streams. </summary> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.Parser"> <summary> This instance will handle ini data parsing and writing </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.#ctor"> <summary> Ctor </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.#ctor(IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser)"> <summary> Ctor </summary> <param name="parser"></param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.ReadData(System.IO.StreamReader)"> <summary> Reads data in INI format from a stream. </summary> <param name="reader">Reader stream.</param> <returns> And <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance with the readed ini data parsed. </returns> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> Thrown if <paramref name="reader"/> is <c>null</c>. </exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.WriteData(System.IO.StreamWriter,IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Writes the ini data to a stream. </summary> <param name="writer">A write stream where the ini data will be stored</param> <param name="iniData">An <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance.</param> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> Thrown if <paramref name="writer"/> is <c>null</c>. </exception> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StreamIniDataParser.WriteData(System.IO.StreamWriter,IniParser.Model.IniData,IniParser.Model.Formatting.IIniDataFormatter)"> <summary> Writes the ini data to a stream. </summary> <param name="writer">A write stream where the ini data will be stored</param> <param name="iniData">An <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance.</param> <param name="formatter">Formaterr instance that controls how the ini data is transformed to a string</param> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> Thrown if <paramref name="writer"/> is <c>null</c>. </exception> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.StringIniParser"> <summary> Represents an INI data parser for strings. </summary> <remarks> This class is deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility. It's just a wrapper around <see cref="T:IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser"/> class. Please, replace your code. </remarks> </member> <member name="P:IniParser.StringIniParser.Parser"> <summary> This instance will handle ini data parsing and writing </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StringIniParser.#ctor"> <summary> Ctor </summary> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StringIniParser.#ctor(IniParser.Parser.IniDataParser)"> <summary> Ctor </summary> <param name="parser"></param> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StringIniParser.ParseString(System.String)"> <summary> Parses a string containing data formatted as an INI file. </summary> <param name="dataStr">The string containing the data.</param> <returns> A new <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance with the data parsed from the string. </returns> </member> <member name="M:IniParser.StringIniParser.WriteString(IniParser.Model.IniData)"> <summary> Creates a string from the INI data. </summary> <param name="iniData">An <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance.</param> <returns> A formatted string with the contents of the <see cref="T:IniParser.Model.IniData"/> instance object. </returns> </member> <member name="T:IniParser.Exceptions.ParsingException"> <summary> Represents an error ococcurred while parsing data </summary> </member> </members> </doc>
Please upload the entire sample, because I am now getting another error about a missing Encryption dll.
Dude, it totally works now. Thanks for taking the extra time on this one.
The new app runs fine without errors. Just make sure to include all the assemblies. I noticed you've been mixing WPF4 and the versionfree assemblies.
For context here is what I did, I added the WPF4 syntaxeditor dll and removed the version free ones and everything ran without errors.
Ok, I just uploaded a new version. If you run ConnParameterQB you should get the error at hand and not all the others.
I get the following warning in Visual Studio, and when I rebuild the solution I get two errors
Because the app won't recompile I get the following error prompt on run.