when user scrolling grid cell with larger amount of data when using filter UI freezes and app hangs.
Any help what can be a reason? below is the snapshot from profiler
Hello AndrewS,
I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing in this case, and I have a few questions for you on this matter. Would it be possible for you to please answer the following?
1. What is the specific version of Infragistics for WPF that you are using?
2. Can you please clarify at what point does this freezing behavior happen? I am unsure how the filter UI is causing this behavior? Are you scrolling while filtering or perhaps something else?
3. Are you by chance disabling the virtualization in the grid? This can be done in a few ways. The simplest is by setting the RecordContainerGenerationMode property of the grid to “PreLoad.” You can also do this by placing the grid inside a StackPanel or ScrollViewer due to the way that these elements are drawn. This can also usually be seen by the initial load time of the grid, as it will take far longer with a large amount of records than if you set RecordContainerGenerationMode to “Recycle” (its default) or have it in a container that does not measure with an infinite height.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Hi Andrew, we're using version 18.2 for WPF xamgrid..
We put in column filter e.g. %123% and then reload greed, after data is refreshed when scrolling up and down UI freezes and app hangs, basically need t5o restart it.
I am not aware about virtualization setting of the grid, have to check that.
any other suggestion?