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Readonly XamPropertyGrid with expandable list


We have a XamPropertyGrid which we want to set to ReadOnly, based on some application-wide setting that is not related to the data that is shown in the PropertyGrid. So the data itself could still be changed, but we want to disable any controls in the applications that allows changing the data – just like with the XamPropertyGrid.

Setting IsEnabled flag of the PropertyGrid to false work fine, but this also disables the Category collapse/expand function, so if there are any collapsed categories, you can’t even view all items.

We did not found any ReadOnly option for this control which would be best match. Also tried to use editor templates but did not worked either. How we can achieve this?

We've attached  example. Fallow steps:

  • Open the example app -> “Disable whole PropertyGrid” is checked
  • All controls within the PropertyGrid are disabled, expanding / collapsing is also not possible
  • Select “Disable EditTemplate” -> PropertyGrid Expander become usable again, but Elements stay disabled
  • It is still possible to add and remove from the list (with the + and – buttons on the right side)

Thanks in advance,


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