We have several xamGrids in our application but one (which just has text columns) is missing the border between two of the columns.
The columns can be moved, hidden, shown and resized OK. In some cases the border reappears, but for the most part it's missing.
The definition of the grid is no different to other grids that display fine.
<ig:XamGrid x:Name="LocationsXamGrid" Grid.Row="1" DataSource="{Binding LocationsDataSource, Mode=OneWay}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<ig:XamGrid x:Name="LocationsXamGrid"
DataSource="{Binding LocationsDataSource, Mode=OneWay}"
What have we missed in this case?
Hello Chris,
I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing in this case, and I believe I need a bit more information from you on this matter. Would it be possible for you to please provide some information on the following?
1. Are you applying any styling in your application? More specifically, are you styling the HeaderCellControl element? If so, what are you doing in this Style?
2. What version of the Infragistics for WPF controls are you using? I ask, as I have been unable to find a property or event named “EndEditOnMouseLeave” in the XamGrid control in our API documentation, and so I am unsure what exactly this is.
3. Is there a particular reason you are using the XamGrid in this case? The reason I ask, is that the XamGrid has effectively become obsolete to the XamDataGrid. As mentioned in our documentation, “We recommend that you use the XamDataGrid control instead of the XamGrid control. The XamGrid is being planned for retirement over the next few years and will not receive any new features.”
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
1. We are applying styling to the grid, just the Background and HeaderTextHorizontalAlignment, but we're not applying any styling to the HeaderCellControl element.
2. We're using the latest version of the controls - the inclusion of that property is a mistake on my part. We've actually subclassed the grid to add some specific functionality we need and I left that line in the code I copied by mistake. Please ignore that line.
3. We're using the XamGrid because we're in the process of translating our Siliverlight application to WPF and that used the XamGrid. We're trying to make as few changes as possible while we do this migration. Once we've done the migration we'll be making further edits to bring new functionality into the application and looking at using more modern controls etc. We weren't aware that the XamGrid is being retired.