I have a numeric editor that works with 2 deicmal places as default ,i want it to take 3 decimal places.I have a currency column based on which from code behind i want the editor to take 2 or 3 decimal places with a double number .
We had this is webforms infragistics but i cannot find similar in WPF
txtRegistrationCharges.MinDecimalPlaces = "3"
You can configure the editor's mask property, which will modify the way the result is output:
this.numericEditorName.Mask = "{}{double:-50.3}";
This mask will have the editor display up to 50 digits in the integer part, and 3 digits in the fraction part. You can read more about masks here:
As well as general field configuration in case you want to have them as a field:
Should you have any further questions, please let me know.
Tihomir TonevAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics
Thanks for your help
txtActamt.Mask = "{double:-15.3}";
This seems to be working ,without {} in the beginning