Is there any way to disable the ribbon context menu so that we can apply our own context menus to the ribbon controls?
You should be able to set the ContextMenu property of the tool and we shouldn't show ours but this doesn't seem to be working. You should report this issue to the support group. Please mention issue #BR35156 when reporting the issue.
You can get the screen point, then use Ribbon.ShowPopup in the following event before cancelling:
Thanks but you're referring to the UltraToolbarsManager (i.e. Windows Forms) component and not the XamRibbon (i.e. WPF element). This forum is about the WPF components.
Oh, right. Sorry. I was just searching off the web and I didn't notice the WPF link up top. However, when searching on the web for this issue, the actual solution post mentioned above does not readily come up - after a long day of trying to fix this small problem I stumbled upon it while looking for something else. So, maybe other people looking for a WinForms solution will get this instead and not have to spend all day on it like me. Also, if you change the tags on that post to include something about the context menu, it will be a lot more helpful. I'll see if I can add that.