Is it possible to combine both conditional formatting and style triggers in the XamGrid?
I have a grid bound to a list of data items. What I want to do is change the background and foreground colours of a particular cell based on some value from the underlying data item (which is not the value of the actual cell, so I don't think I can use a conditional formatting rule), and apply a data bar (via conditional formatting) based on the value of the cell. I can make either of these work easily enough in isolation, but if I combine the two, it seems that the data bar conditional formatting rule overwrites my style triggers. My style is targetting the ConditionalFormattingCellControl... How can I combine the two?
Hello gregorach,
You can use Converters to change the Cell's Background and Foreground. You can use them with DataBar. I have prepared a small sample which illustrates this approach.
If you have further questions concerning this matter please let me know.
Hi Nick
Thanks for your response, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working in my application... It's definitely hitting my converter, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to the cell style, even if I remove the databar. I can't see where the problem could lie...
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to de-prioritise this for a bit as I more pressing matters to attend to. Thanks for your help so far though.