HiI created a sample project where my problem occurs.Validation borders are overlapping other controls and I have no idea why it happens. Could you help me with that?
Hello Boris,
Thank you for the sample, you have sent.
After investigating the Validation border overlapping issue, I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 244764. This will be assigned to a developer in a future sprint to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix, or other resolution.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you for your patience during our developers' team investigation.
The behavior you have described and which is illustrated in the sample you have sent is expected - the WPF framework adds an AdornerLayer to the Window in order to display the validation error borders. Since in the sample all the cells in the grid have errors, the AdornerLayer draws the validation borders along each cell.
To achieve the desired functionality - avoiding validation borders overlapping, you can define a template for each column you want to have validation error borders and add an AdornerLayer. Then if you hide the AdornerLayer of the window, the AdornerLayers that display the error borders will be children of the grid. I have attached a small sample, which demonstrates this approach.