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Drag and drop a User Control

I need to create a window in my WPF project in c# that contains a usercontrol that can be dragged and dropped

That window can contain any number of that user control depending upon the requirement  and the placement of these user controls

should be such that each control are placed vertically below to each other and each user control can be minimized and can be reordered.

I am new to the infragistics and WPF can you please suggest how can this be achieved?


  • 6365
    Offline posted

    Hello Richa,

    Thank you for choosing Infragistics.

    In order to move and drag & drop UserControls by using the XamTileManager, you can simply include a UserControl as Content for every XamTile.
    In addition, you can set different properties for the NormalModeSettings object and the MaximizedModeSettings object, which will allow you to adjust the way the tiles behave and get displayed.


    <ig:XamTileManager Name="tileManager" MaximizedTileLimit="3" TileCloseAction="RemoveItem">

            <ig:NormalModeSettings TileLayoutOrder="Vertical" />

            <ig:MaximizedModeSettings MaximizedTileLocation="Top" />

        <!-- ============ Tiles with UserControls ============ -->
        <ig:XamTile Name="tile1" Header="Tile 01" CloseButtonVisibility="Visible" IsMaximized="False">
            <local:UserControl1 />

        <ig:XamTile Name="tile2" Header="Tile 02" CloseButtonVisibility="Visible" IsMaximized="False">
            <local:UserControl1 />

        <ig:XamTile Name="tile3" Header="Tile 03" CloseButtonVisibility="Visible" IsMaximized="False">
            <local:UserControl1 />

    I have attached a sample application that demonstrates the approach from above. For more details on the practical applications of the XamTileManager, I can suggest you take a look at the xamTileManager samples from our WPF Samples Browser.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.
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