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Scrollbar not working inside stackpanel

Hi, I am using XAMDataGrid inside stack pnale along with few other childs. when there are multiple items in xamdatagrid vertical scrollviewer not displaying even I have made

ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto". please suggest.



  • 16495
    Offline posted

    Hello Hitesh,

    Thank you for your support request.

    I created a sample application based on your scenario and I could not managed to reproduce the behavior that you have described. If you are not able to reproduce the issue with the attached sample application, would you please modify it with the functionality, that you are using, so it reproduces the issue. 

    Would you please provide  me with  more detailed information regarding the environment in which you are developing your application (Operating system, Service Release, Integrated development environment and the specific version of our product that you are using and any other information that might help reproducing your issue), in order to be able to identify what might be causing this behavior?

    This way I would be able to further investigate this for you and provide you with more detailed information on this matter.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
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