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delete item based on selection

hey everyone,

got a little problem. Let's say I have 2 docuents in my xamdatagrid and I only want to remove 1 of them. So I'll highlight it and click my delete button. the only problem is I dont konw which option will only select the highlighted record. i either delete both or niether. here's the code that I have so far.

   Private Sub  Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click

        If xamDocGrid.ActiveRecord Is Nothing Then

            MessageBox.Show("You must select a document to Delete", "No Active Document Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information)
            ' For Each row As DataRow In dtDocs.Rows
            ' If Not xamDocGrid.ActiveRecord Is Nothing Then

            ' row.Item("Active") = False

            'End If


                For Each row As DataRow In dtDocs.Rows

                    If row.Item("Active") = False Then
                    End If

            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try

thanks in advance


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