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How to bind CheckboxField checked property with command located in ViewModel.


I would like to hook checked or unchecked status of the checkbox field of xamTreeGrid and handle it in a ViewModel using command.

But I can't find any event or property which CheckboxField of xamTreeGrid provide. Please let me know what to do. 

Below are something I want. (See bold area)

<igWPF:XamTreeGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=GroupItems}">


              <igWPF:CheckBoxField Label="Selection" Name="IsChecked"  Width="Auto" AllowEdit="True" IsThreeState="True" CheckedStatusChanged={binding DataContext.XXXCommand >


                           <igWPF:FieldSettings   xxxxxxx/>


Thank you in advanced.

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    I might find work-around with below But I stuck in again because I don't know how to retain the style.

    Once I applied below, I can't retain the style of the checkboxField so that It looks like natural checkbox which don't have xamTreeGrid styling 

    such as a theme appled in xamTreeGrid.  Please somebody help me how to solve this. I want to retain the original xamTreeGrid checkboxField style.

    <igWPF:FieldLayout Key="NetItem">
    <igWPF:CheckBoxField Name="IsChecked" Label="Selection" Width="Auto" AllowEdit="True" IsThreeState="False">
    <igWPF:FieldSettings >
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
    <CheckBox Command="{Binding ElementName=_netlistView, Path=DataContext.CheckboxCheckedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}" IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Value}"/>
