I'm using xamSpreadsheet.ActiveSelectionCellRangeFormat.SetBorders( for set border. But it's strange works on cell with some formatted text (pasted from excel by clipboard).
I'm trying to use SpreadsheetCellRangeBorders.AllBorder. But some time don't work right border or left border, or don't work all border. I do not understand from which it depends.
How do I make the borders for selected cells with formatted text programmatically?
Hello Ig,
I have been looking into your issue but unfortunately I am not able to reproduce it. Can you please provide me with information what version of our components you are using and review the sample that I have created for you and see whether it works on your environment or try to modify in such a way that I can reproduce it also?
Please notice that if you copy content with bigger width than the default width of the columns the border won’t be visible until you autofit the column or make it bigger than the pasted content.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks, Teodor Infragistics Inc. www.infragistics.com/support
My example WpfApplication1.rar. I'm use version 15.1
It began to work, thanks.
If you save the Workbook the way you have it after changing the borders and load that file into Excel it renders it the same way we do so the rendering is correct based on the state of the cells. The issue is that you are passing in Default as the borderStyle parameter (i.e. your BorderLineStyle is set to Default). I think you mean to use Thin which is what Excel defaults to and then they expose an option to change which value they use.