It is very interesting the Year selection from this thread and the example can help us also.
Can you make also on example only for month selection?
Hello dvsegmbh,
I have taken a look at the sample with the Year selection and I have modified it so now a month could be selected for a particular year. Please keep in mind that first day is used as default.
Please take a look at the attached sample and let me know if you have any questions on this matter.
Hi Martin,
Thank You for the example, we will try to investigate and use your application.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions on this matter.
I have one more thing, how can we disable the edit with keyboard?
We want to let the user to selected the time only from the XamMonthCalendar and to disable to write manually the time.
This behavior can be done?
I have been looking into your issue and what you could do is to handle the XamDateTimeEditor's PreviewKeyDown and XamMonthCalendar's PreviewKeyDown events.
Please take a look at the modified sample and let me know if you have any other questions or if I have misunderstood your requirement.
Thank You for the example. We will investigate your source code.