I managed to find a couple of really old posts on this, but nothing current. Is there a way to bind the recent items to a collection of some sort? I would think this would be the most common use of this kind of list, and I'm certainly not crazy about the idea of having to write code to do it.
Hello Bradley,
Thank you for your post.
I have been looking into your requirements. The RecentItems property is read only and it seems that currently if you want to bind its content to some collection you can provide some kind of ItemsControl like a ListBox and then bind it to the
Collection you want. You can take a look at the following link for more details about RecentItems property:
I have created short sample application based on your scenario in order to show you how you can implement the functionality you are looking for.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.
This might work, but then I'd want to be able to tweak the style of the "ApplicationMenu.RecentItems" to remove the "selected" style. I haven't found a way to do that yet.