I am using the Ultra Toolsbars Manager. Is there a way to disable activiating the toolbar when F10 is pressed?
I know F10 is the standard in windows for activiating the menu. In other applications where I don't use the Ultra Toolbars Manager I can disable the menu from being actiavted when F10 is pressed.
Have you found a solution? I have the same problem.
No i didn't
There is currently no way to disable the F10 functionality. You can submit a feature request to be able to turn this off: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx.
Are you kidding? This seems to have changed somewhere between 8.2 and 9.1. Assigning F10 to a main menubar item will no longer fire a toolbar click event, but instead seems to set the focus on the first available toolbar button if found.
i just updated from 6.2 to 9.1 and had the same problem - after i read this thread i did the following:
On Creation of the Toolbar i add a "dummy" Button with a Shortcut F10:
//Check if the Toolbar Manager has a Tool with a Shortcut F10 bool hasF10Shortcut = false; foreach (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase toolBase in this.ToolbarManager.Tools) { if (toolBase.SharedProps.Shortcut == Shortcut.F10) { hasF10Shortcut = true; } } //If there is no F10 Shortcut -> add one if (!hasF10Shortcut) { Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool buttonF10 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("F10_Messenger"); buttonF10.SharedProps.Shortcut = Shortcut.F10; buttonF10.SharedProps.Visible = false; this.ToolbarManager.Tools.Add(buttonF10); }
No i hook into the "BeforeShortcutKeyProcessed" Handler:
void toolbarManager_BeforeShortcutKeyProcessed(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.BeforeShortcutKeyProcessedEventArgs e) { if (e.Tool.Key == "F10_Messenger") { //If F10 was sent, do whatever you want to do (i send the F10 back to the TextBox where it came from) e.Cancel = false; if (this.ActiveControl != null) { IntPtr hWnd = this.ActiveControl.Handle; SendMessage(hWnd, (int)0x0100, (IntPtr)Keys.F10, IntPtr.Zero); this.ActiveControl.Focus(); } } }
That seems to work for me.
I also tried to inherit a class from the ToolbarManager, Implement the IMessageFilter interface and override the bool System.Windows.Forms.IMessageFilter.PreFilterMessage(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg) Method
Maybe that could work four you...
is that probem already solved on an easy way - like i.e. a build in attribute/flag that can be set?
Kind regards,
Sassan Torabi-Goudarzi
Hello Sassan,
The "problem" is not solved yet, because this behavior is expected and it is by design (it is similar with Microsofts toolbars) For more information:
Of course you can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <http://ideas.infragistics.com>.