Recently I'm using ultraCalendarCombo.
As the request needs, I was wandering if I want to show the value "平成27年04月28日" in the ultraCalendarCombo, is it possible to implement that?
Does it have to like the topic below:
Could you please help me with that? Thanks for your concern.
P.s. "平成27年04月28日" is actually Japanese calendar, and in culture "en-US" it's "2015/04/28"
Hello Richard,Thank you for posting in our forum.In order to display the dates in Japanese you need to set your CurrentThread culture calendar to Japanese calendar. You may use code like this:
CultureInfo japanese = new CultureInfo("ja-JP");japanese.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new JapaneseCalendar();Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = japanese;Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = japanese;}
Next step is to set the UltraCalendarCombo Format property to “D”. This will force the combo to show the date, when combo is not in edit mode, formatted as long day format which in Japanese is this 平成27年04月29日.Please find attached a small sample solution implementing this approach and let me know if this is what you are looking for or if I am missing something.
Hi, Milko
Thanks for your help. And the calendarCombo could show the value that I need.
But when I click the calendar-select button(screenshot one), that I want to change the year, it's only shows the "平成27年4月", "平成27年3月"(screenshot two), something like that.
I was wondering if it's possible to implement the standard calendar-select effect, which is when I click the year(screenshot three), it will show the month select screen(screenshot four).
Hello Richard,
Thank you for your feedback.
I have investigated your issue, and I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of #193736. So I’ve created a case for you CAS-155063-Z7H2B3 and will update you for the progress of this issue via the mentioned case. You could reach your case following the link below:
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi, Brain Fallon
Thanks for replying.I've used TextBox and UltraDateTimeEditor to consist a new component to implement my request.And I got some questions.
No.1 When I pick a date from the UltraDateTimeEditor in the first time, say I picked the today's date, and it won't show in the TextBox, but other date will be fine.How could that happen? Is there a way to solve this?
No.2 When I change my OS regional setting to Japanese(which dateformat is "gg y/M/d"), and pick a date, it won't show inthe TextBox either. How could I solve this problem? Is there something that I'm missing?
I'll attach my sample solution. Could you please help me with that?Thanks for your concern.
The reason this happens is that the UltraDateTimeEditor shows a standard .NET MonthCalendar control in its dropdown, and the .NET MonthCalendar control does not seem to observe any of the system's regional settings. You can confirm this by trying your test with a MonthCalendar control.
One possible solution to your problem would be to use our UltraCalendarCombo control instead; this control uses our own month calendar control in the dropdown, which does observe the system's regional settings. The caviat here is that UltraCalendarCombo does not support masking in the edit portion, so you would lose that functionality. There is a way to get both, but you would need to basically create a hybrid control which consists of an UltraMaskedEditor with a dropdown button which shows the UltraMonthViewMulti control In a dropdown.
Thanks for your sample solution, and I could get the standard calendar select.
But I got two more questions. Here it is : While my OS system date format is "yyyy/MM/dd",
1.When I focused in the ultraDateTimeEditor1, I want the ultraDateTimeEditor1 always show JapaneseCalendar, like "平成 27年5月6日". But now it will change to "15年05月06日". Is it possible to implement what I need?
2.When I select the date from the calendar, it shows the standard calendar. Is it possible to show JapaneseCalendar anyway?
I'll attach some screenshot.
Could you please help with these two questions, thanks for your concern.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on it.