Hi, I used groupbybox to group rows to display as tree view style. Right now, the header of group by column shows default with this format (<column name> : <value of this column> (xx items). I want to override this behave to show something like (<value of different column> (xxx items)) because grouped by column is ID and I want to show description of the id. I believe it is doable but would not find how to do it. I have sample application attached. In the sample app, I want to display 'Content' and 'Section' value in group by box instead of 'Content_Order' and 'Section_Order' columnes.Thanks
Hello Clarali,
TheGroupByRowDescriptionMaskproperty will allow you to change the text shown in the groupby rows.
eg. http://help.infragistics.com/doc/WinForms/2014.2/CLR4.0/?page=Infragistics4.Win.UltraWinGrid.v14.2~Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridOverride~GroupByRowDescriptionMask.htmlYou can also handle the InitializeGroupByRow event to trap which row you need to specifically change. This was previously discussed here:http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/41208.aspx
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks Michael for the quick response. I managed to define my settings in InitializeGroupByRow event. I do have another question related to groupbyrow. Is that possible to make row as flat (not inside of tree view) when groupby column value is some defined value (e.g 0)? In my case, those rows did not belong any group and I don't want to have them to group together and indent to two levels.
Thank you for following up. The IndentationGroupByRow property to designed to specify the indentation for all groupby rows in the whole band. If you have two GroupByRows in the same collection, then you can't indent one and not the other. So you can't set it for each column independently.
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If you have two GroupByRows in the same collection, then you can't indent one and not the other.If you have two levels of grouping in the same band, then IndentationGroupByRow property is on the band level, so you can't set it for each column.
Thanks Michael for your response. The indentationGroupByRow is applied for all rows. First, I have two level of groupby. Secondly, I need to indent the groupby heading row when the groupby column value is blank. I tried to set IndentationGroupByRow = 0 in InitializeGroupByRow event with the condition. it didn't work. Thanks. - Clara
Try setting the IndentationGroupByRow property to zero for the rows to be flush against the left edge of the band. This property is exposed off of the band object. For more details please visit here: