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Show Axis Labels


Many thanks for the teams help for getting me going on my chart as detailed here

The team helped provide an example solution that I've now managed to incorporate into my own solution.  It looks as follows:

I've adapted the code to use a CategoryDateTimeXAxis for the contact data.  What I'd like to do is show date values against the x axis and also close up the white space between the -6 Y axis value and the strokes on the x axis.

I've constructed my x axis as follows but I'm obviously missing something:

Dim categoryX As CategoryDateTimeXAxis = New CategoryDateTimeXAxis()
categoryX.DateTimeMemberPath = "ActivityDate"
categoryX.DisplayType = TimeAxisDisplayType.Continuous
categoryX.LabelExtent = 30
categoryX.LabelsVisible = True
categoryX.LabelFontSize = 8
categoryX.Interval = New TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)
categoryX.Label = "ActivityDate"
categoryX.DataSource = posContacts
categoryX.MajorStroke = Brushes.Transparent
categoryX.MinorStroke = Brushes.Transparent
categoryX.Stroke = Brushes.Black
categoryX.StrokeThickness = 2

Your help, as ever, will be much appreciated.

Many thanks,
