Many thanks for the teams help for getting me going on my chart as detailed here http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/92741.aspx
The team helped provide an example solution that I've now managed to incorporate into my own solution. It looks as follows:
I've adapted the code to use a CategoryDateTimeXAxis for the contact data. What I'd like to do is show date values against the x axis and also close up the white space between the -6 Y axis value and the strokes on the x axis.
I've constructed my x axis as follows but I'm obviously missing something:
Dim categoryX As CategoryDateTimeXAxis = New CategoryDateTimeXAxis() categoryX.DateTimeMemberPath = "ActivityDate" categoryX.DisplayType = TimeAxisDisplayType.Continuous categoryX.LabelExtent = 30 categoryX.LabelsVisible = TruecategoryX.LabelFontSize = 8categoryX.Interval = New TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0) categoryX.Label = "ActivityDate" categoryX.DataSource = posContacts categoryX.MajorStroke = Brushes.Transparent categoryX.MinorStroke = Brushes.Transparent categoryX.Stroke = Brushes.Black categoryX.StrokeThickness = 2
Your help, as ever, will be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Excellent, thanks Michael.
I didn't consider my events axis in this. I change that to LabelExtent = 0 (ContactsVEventsUltraDataChart.Axes(1)) and it worked a treat.
Thanks again :)
Hello Nathan,
I reviewed your sample and added set the LabelExtent directly on the Axis object on your chart and the space is removed. Please update the Form_load to the following to reduce the gap.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
SetupContactsVEventschart() ContactsVEventsFromUltraCalendarCombo.Value = Now.AddDays(-10) ContactsVEventsToUltraCalendarCombo.Value = Now.AddDays(-5) ContactsVEventsUltraDataChart.Axes(1).LabelExtent = 0
End Sub
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Michael,
Please find attached project demonstrating the gap.
If the label extent is set to 0 then you can't see the labels.
Kind regards,
Would you mind posting a small sample so that I can investigate and help you reduce the gap?
Good morning,
I hope you all had a good break.
Is there any update on how to reduce the gap and described in this thread?