i have a datachart with x-y Data, a legend etc..Now I want to get an x,y-value according to the datachart, if i click somewhere in the x-y-range.
Using 'PointToClient' and 'PointToScreen' I have the problem, not to know the real size of the chart - without the axis- and legend areas.
Any help appreciatedTorsten
Could you please specify the exact type of the chart you are using UltraChart or UltraDataChart. If we talk about UltraDataChart, numeric axis has a method GetUnscaledValue(…) which could be used in order to get corresponding axis value based on a screen coordinates.
Please let me know if you have any further questions
Hi, I replied to your post yesterday morning (GMT+1), but it seems not to pass the "check" by infragistics....
I use UltraChart with some XYSeries and some properties to getthe picture I need. What I want to do ist to get x-y-coordinates related to the current cjhart image using crosshairs and mouseclick.
Above a picture (if visible after posting...) of the chart we talk about. I use UltraChart (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinChart.UltraChart), where I manage some XYSeries and AxisProperties etc. to get the picture. It shows results of calculations, e.g. as here the heat radiation limits for a given heet radiation value, resulting from an explosion fireball.
What I want to do is to get from a point somewhere within the picture the coordinates to calculatre and show the heat radiation value within that point.