Hi,can anyone give me basic idea how to drag and drop rows between two ultragrids in c# and save data back to datatable.
Hello ,
This issue was discussed several times and I believe that one of the riche threads where this was discussed is the following:
the basic idea is both grids having same data structure so you will be able easy to copy object from the first DataSource to the other. So when dragging starts you could iterate trough SelectedRows collection and to use ListObject property of UltraGridRow in order to get corresponding data from the DataSource and put it into the clipboard (usually you should copy or clone the data). After dragging completes get the data from the clipboard and add it to the DataSource of the second grid. As you can see there is nothing specific with UltraGrid it is all about getting the correct data from the one data source and to put it to the another.
I hope that this will helps you.
hi,I have previously reffered that link but i need in c# and moreover is it not possible to drag the row from ultragrid and drop in second ultragrid and viceversa