is it possible to show the week of year e.g. on the left side of the date dropdown?
Maybe like in Outlook - please see the screenshot.
Thank you,
best regards
Hello Daniel,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on it.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello Milko,
thank you for your suggestion, it works, but if possible I would like to use the common DateTimePicker control because of some small details like the "Today" button is not translated to German.
I use a class ExtendedDateTimePicker where I extend the default control with week numbers, like it is described here. When I try to set the EditorComponent property of the grid date column with this extended control, I get an exception which says I have to implement IProvidesEmbeddableEditor.
So I tried to implement the "EmbeddableEditorBase Editor" (the Get property), but do not really know what to return here.
Could you please explain how to do this?
Thank you
thank you for your answer.
I wondered why the week number was e.g. correct in Outlook 2010, but then realized it uses a region independent setting "first 4-day week" which is set in Outlook options.
So because it is hardly possible to get an answer from Microsoft regarding this issue, I will have to use Germany instead of Austria setting.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your feedback.
Yes, you are correct. However, we are using MS MonthCalendar in the drop down. So this is how Microsoft control calculates the first week of the year. Please, note the first week of the year is culture specific, so this is expected behavior. It could be the week where 1st of January is, it could be First 4-day week or First full week.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
sorry for replying on the old thread, but I have seen a little issue here regarding Windows region settings in combination e.g. with control UltraCalendarCombo.
In Windows 7 or 8.1, when I set Region Format to "German (Germany)" in system control, the week number from 28.12.2015 is 53 and from 04.01.2016 it is 1, which is correct.
When I change system Region Format to "German (Austria)", UltraCalendarCombo shows week number 1 from 28.12.2015, which is wrong.
The right setting for our region is "German (Austria)", or in German: "Deutsch (Österreich)". I would like to keep this setting and correct the error/bug in the software itself, rather than having every machine's setting changed to Germany.
Please give me some information how to solve this.
Thank you!
It is not necessary to initialize a new instance of DateTimeEditor for each DateTime column in your grid. Actually it is best practice to initialize one instance and set it to each DateTime column, as long as you need same behavior in all DateTime columns.
Please check attached my revised sample solution implementing UltraGrid with three DateTime columns. With this approach you can add as much as you need DateTime columns and each one will have the same instance of DateTimeEditor.