is it possible to show the week of year e.g. on the left side of the date dropdown?
Maybe like in Outlook - please see the screenshot.
Thank you,
best regards
Hello Daniel,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on it.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello Milko,
thank you for your suggestion, it works, but if possible I would like to use the common DateTimePicker control because of some small details like the "Today" button is not translated to German.
I use a class ExtendedDateTimePicker where I extend the default control with week numbers, like it is described here. When I try to set the EditorComponent property of the grid date column with this extended control, I get an exception which says I have to implement IProvidesEmbeddableEditor.
So I tried to implement the "EmbeddableEditorBase Editor" (the Get property), but do not really know what to return here.
Could you please explain how to do this?
Thank you