Want a key column combo box field (aka look up the display value based on member value) but when dropped down it expands into a hierarchial grid with the a selectable tree control (aka the tree node is selected that matches the key value). If user clicks a different node of the tree, the internal value matches the new tree node's internal value.
Can u point me to a sample or tell me how to do this?
Found a similar article:http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/11609/43917.aspx#43917
Is there a sample to do this and be able to select a leaf (it looks similar to what I want except it said that the leaf was not selectable) - then again it is 6 years ago so probably implemented now.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
I have attached a sample project which I believe has the functionality you are looking for. I handled the EditorButtonClick event on the UltraTextEditor to determine when the tree was dropped down and set the selected node based on the text in the active cell of the grid. I also handled the MouseUp event of the UltraTree to determine when a node had been selected and set the text of the active cell of the grid based on the text of the selected node.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
Also, KeyDown - supress the keystroke works as well.
Thank you for your response.
To disable typing a value into the cell with the dropdown tree, the best way would be to handle the UltraGrid.KeyPress event and set e.Handled to true if the UltraGrid.ActiveCell is in the column with the dropdown tree.
private void ultraGrid1_KeyPRess(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (ultraGrid1.ActiveCell != null) { if (ultraGrid1.ActiveCell.Column.Index == 1) { e.Handled = true; } } }
Everything is perfect except I want a dropdown list and not an editable picklist.
Is there a way of disabling the editing of the cell but leave the right mouse click dropdown available???
Perfect - it looks exactly what I am looking.
Let me verify it solves my issues and I will mark it as verified.