I am creating a chart of type "Column Line Chart".
For this type, the option "Show data values on chart" is disabled.
I would know how to show the data values on the line.
For the charts of types "Column Chart" and "Line Chart", this option is enabled.
Why is not possible select this property for the "Column Line Chart"?
Is there an alternative for this resource, to show the values in the chart?
Hello Patricia,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
It is possible to show data values on a column line chart. You just have to set the properties in code. If you open the *.designer.vb or *.designer.cs file for your form with the regular column chart on it you'll see a line of code adding a ChartTextAppearance object to the UltraChart.ColumnChart.ChartText collection property. Since the column line chart has both a column chart and a line chart, you'll need to add a ChartTextAppearance object to the UltraChart.ColumnLineChart.Column.ChartText collection property and the UltraChart.ColumnLineChart.Line.ChartText collection property. I've provided a link below with more information.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
Hello Dave
Thanks for the help, it worked.
I have another question:
- My dataset has four columns: the item, the value for the year 2012, the value for the year 2013 and a percentage comparison.
Dim TesteColunaLinha As New DataTable TesteColunaLinha.Columns.Add("Texto", GetType(String)) TesteColunaLinha.Columns.Add("2012", GetType(Integer)) TesteColunaLinha.Columns.Add("2013", GetType(Integer)) TesteColunaLinha.Columns.Add("Crescimento", GetType(Integer))
TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("jan", 2409, 2644, 10) TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("fev", 2392, 2688, 12) TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("mar", 2449, 2655, 8) TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("abr", 2470, 2677, 8) TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("mai", 2518, 2834, 13) TesteColunaLinha.Rows.Add("jun", 2509, 2743, 9)
In the chart (see attachment), colors are defined by line, for example, the month of January is purple for 2012 and 2013.I would like the months of 2012 stay of one color and the months of 2013 of another color, is possible?