Is possible to change the Font and the color of the Font in all controls (EVERYTHING)?
I have changed UI roles Base but some controls don't change
The Base Role should do it. Which controls aren't being affected?
For example ultralabel, header in tabitems, etc
I can't think of any reason why an UltraLabel would not respond to changing the Font on the Base Role. Except for the obvious one, which is that some other, more specific, role is overriding the font for UltraLabel.
Are you sure it's an UltraLabel and not just in inbox Label?
Can you post a small sample project here that demonstrates the problem?
Mi project is complex but the style is simple, copied from office 2013 white 14.1. You can see it easy at design time in appstylist. Chamge the font color ui base to red and ultralabel dont change. You have to go to all the nodes down ui base and change there
I understand what you mean, but there's no easy way to tell which role the color is coming from. What I typically do is make a backup copy of the isl and then I go through the UIRoles that might affect the control (using the RoleTips) and I reset them one at a time, walking up the tree, until the color goes away. So you can find it by process of elimination.
There's no easy way to simply change the font color everywhere in an existing style library that already has specific role settings.
Another option might be to open up the isl file in an XML Reader and look for all of the places where it's setting the ForeColor.
Ok I understand. But I can't find this UIRole. I have some other problems with that. For example is impossible to change the Row Hottracked ForeColor. I make it directly at design time in appstylist, all the other settings change ok (bold, font, etc) but not the color. There's not any other inferior UI Role
That's only because the color of the font in Office 2014 White is not black and we just want to change it to black. We've just changed this (hottracked too) but we found this problems.
If you copied from one of the existing style libraries (like Office2013 White), then it's like I said. The color is probably already being set on a more specific UIRole, so the Base setting will be override by the more specific setting. You didn't mention you were working with an existing library.
I'm afraid there's no way around that. The Base role is the highest-level role, so it will be overriden by settings on any other role in the style library.