I am using Infragistics v 7.3 for WinForms. Ihave the RowSelectorNumberStyle set to VisibleIndex and I can see the row numbers in the wingrid.
However, these row numbers are not exported to Excel or PDF. Is there a way to export a column with row numbers?
Quick response will be highly appreciated.
Many thanks !
Hi Sameer,
Excel doesn't have RowSelectors (or at least not that can be modified). So you would have to add a column either to the grid or to the exported worksheet and manually populate the value of the cells in that field yourself.
Thanks for your reply Mike.
Is there an easy way to manually add Serial Number column without having the column show up in the GUI?
For example, if I would just do ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns.Add("Serial No"), then the serial no column would show up in the grid, and there is no way(that I know of) to remove the column after the export.
If you could please provide some description about how this can be achieved easily, that will be great.