I am new to the chart control and I have some questions.
I have created a simple data table to act as data source. It contains 3 columns, Label, Sales and Budget. The Label column is used as Labels on the x-axis.
1. How do I change the name of the Columns? What I mean is the name showed in the legend. Sales, Budget are english names and I would like to localize.
These names also showed up on the x-axis but I found a way to hide those labels.
2. Can I increase the gap between the vertical x-axis labels and the chart itself? I think that the labels are a bit close.
3. Is 0 the standard min value of the y-axis or do I have to change this to be sure in the future.?
4. How can I change the format of the values showing up when I run a the mouse over a column. The Y-axis was created using this code:
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString =
"<DATA_VALUE:### ### ##0> sek"
For the first question I think you will have to change the names of the columns in the data table. Something like this:
datatable.Columns["Sales"].ColumnName = "försäljnings";
datatable.Columns["Budget"].ColumnName = "budgetförslag";
Is it possible for you to do that or does that completely confuse your application?
I will look into the other questions.
I have found a solution to question number 4. It is possible to set the same formatstring to the Tooltips property of the chart control.
So consider that one solved.
Thanks! I found that there is property called zeroaligned on the chart.data property, so that is probably what you mean.?
i have played with the extent property but i cannot see that it helps. But perhaps there are different extent properties? I dont want to use vertical labels if that can be avoided.
Have you been able to work this out? If not, could you post a simple sample application to this forum thread that I could work with and see if I can get it to look the way you want?
Have you got it working now?
The only thing that I haven't figured out is the spacing between the X-Axis and the labels.
The other questions are solved I think...
Could you describe you idea again, and the properties that I should change in order to get the right appearance...?
You can add some space at the end of the format string. Try something like this:
UltraChart chart = new UltraChart(); chart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
chart.Data.DataSource = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; chart.Data.ZeroAligned = true;
chart.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL> "; chart.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Visible = false;
Let me know if that works for you.
Hello Michael!
No, I don't think it helps since I am not showing the labels.
Here is my code:
' DataSource
gantSalesBudget.DataSource = GetProjectSalesBudgetDataSource()
gantSalesBudget.Data.UseRowLabelsColumn = True
gantSalesBudget.Data.RowLabelsColumn = 0
gantSalesBudget.Data.ZeroAligned = True
' Chart
gantSalesBudget.Border.Thickness = 0
' X-Axis
gantSalesBudget.Axis.X.Labels.Visible = False
gantSalesBudget.Axis.X.Extent = 40
gantSalesBudget.Axis.X.MajorGridLines.Visible = False
' Y-Axis
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:### ### ##0> " & RH.GetStr("Software_Currency")
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.Margin.Far.Value = System.Convert.ToDouble(8)
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.Margin.Near.Value = System.Convert.ToDouble(0)
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.MajorGridLines.Visible = True
' Tooltips
gantSalesBudget.Tooltips.FormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:### ### ##0> " & RH.GetStr("Software_Currency")
' Legend
gantSalesBudget.Legend.Visible = True
gantSalesBudget.Legend.Location = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.LegendLocation.Bottom
gantSalesBudget.Legend.SpanPercentage = 8
gantSalesBudget.Legend.BorderThickness = 0
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
The first column in my data source is the name of the months that shows up as "values" below the x-axis.
Any other ideas?