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Display 2 tables in grid with bands


I need to display 2 tables in one grid using the bands.  I can not seem to find any sample code for this.

Do I need to adjust any of the properties on my grid in the design view?

How do I connect the 2 tables, with 1 SQL command or 2.  Do I use one DataTable or 2?

  • 53790
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Marius,


    There are many different approaches to solve this task, but the most important in your scenario is have two tables in one DataSet with DataRelation between these tables. I suppose that in your scenario, you have a database, that`s why I made small video tutorial , where I use MS SQL, two tables. TableAdatpers and so on...

    Please watch the video and if you have any questions, feel free to write me


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