I have an UltraToolbarsManager in my project and I have some serious problems in getting the tooltips in the right way.
I am using the Ribbon menu mostly (no toolbars) and I would like to have tooltips in the left part of the menu all the time.
In the left side, I have one tool that is of type popupmenutool, and when it is shown in the right side of the menu, I wouldlike tooltips there as well.
When I am not running the mouse over that popupmenutool, I have an MRUListTool that is shown in the right area.
Since there are problems showing different tooltips for each item, I don't want any tooltips there.
Can this be achieved somehow?
I have attached two images, the blue rectangle shows what I want to keep and the red rectangle what I want to remove.
Additional image
Hello Zlatan,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
I was trying to create a project to test this issue when I realized we don't have an MRUListTool. Is this a custom tool you've created that's based on our ListTool?