I'm trying to use the UltraTimelineView to display appointments for users. Up the top of each appointment, there is a bar which seems to graphically show which portion of the time period (day in this case) this appointment uses.
For clarity, what I'm talking about can be seen here: http://imgur.com/BzTXp9B (its the blue bars)
They seem to show the appointments position within a 24 hour day. I'd prefer to show the appointments position within a working day (8-9 hours) instead.
Is there anyway of doing this?
Hello Fweeee,
Thanks for attached screenshot. The answer of your question is: "almost yes". Maybe one possible approach to solve this task, could be if you add Primary and Additional Intervals, where the Primary interval is Hours (with interval 2 hours) and your Additional Interval is Days. Also we should set LogicalDayDuration and LogicalDayOffset of your UltraCalenadrInfo. By this way we could determinate the start working hours (for example 08:00 AM) and the working day duration. Please take a look on attached sample and video file for more details about this approach.
If you have any questions, feel free to write me
Video file