Is there a way to create a custom mask with my own valid characters?
I need to allow spaces AND be required, so a-z, A-Z, ' ', or 0-9
"A" is closest, Alphanumeric character placeholder. For example: a-z, A-Z, or 0-9. Character entry is required.
but does not allow for spaces
Hello Eric,
There are different approaches to solve this task. Maybe you could try one of these two options below:
Option 1: You could try to use Regular Expressions (RegEx). Using suitable event, you could validate the entered characters.
Option 2: You could try to implement IEditorDataFilter
Please take a look on attached video file and both samples with these two approaches and if you have any questions, feel free to write me
Sample 1
Sample 2
Thanks for the examples but they are not for masks, they only validate on leave.
Is there any interface to override for the mask that I can implement my own and extend "A"?
Also can't seem to find a e.Handeled in
IDUltraMaskedEdit_InvalidChar(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.InvalidCharEventArgs e)
Is there another event I can subscribe to?
Could you please give us a sample about desired mask. Did you try to set properties
- EditAs = UseSpecificMask
-Input Mask = aaa aa aaa aa aa
By this way you will be able to enter letters and digits with empty space. More details about the masks you could find at:
About your question for suitable event. At that moment we have not InvalidChar event, but maybe you could handle one of these events below:
- ultraMaskedEdit1_TextChanged
- ultraMaskedEdit1_ValueChanged
- ultraMaskedEdit1_Validating
Let me know if you have any further questions
Yes, I set the InputMask property and it is working but I need to allow additional chars, a space
"A" - Alphanumeric character placeholder. For example: a-z, A-Z, or 0-9. Character entry is required.
I have it set to AAA-AA
Since "A" does not allow " ", it fires the InvalidChar event but I have no way to handle it, so I need to set up my own char[] of allowable chars
So a valid entry could be
q q-ww
which "A" does not allow
Maybe implement InputCharBase and pass that?
Thanks for the details. In that case, maybe you could use these settings:
EditAs = UseSpecifiedMask
InputMask =&&&-&& instead of AAA-AA
About InputCharBase class, it is abstract class, so if you want you could inherited / override this class (or some of other existing classes), but I do not think that it is a simple approach.
Let me know if you have any question.
If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.