OK, so here is he situation. I am dynamically creating grids and rows using InitializeRow event. In one cell I have an ultracombo with an editor button filled with values for that cell. Here is the code:
oSQL = "Select Description, CAST(LocationId as varchar(50)) as LocationId from Locations where AddressId='" & AddressId & "' " 'oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseid IS NULL" If e.Row.Cells.Exists("Location Base") AndAlso Not IsDBNull(e.Row.Cells("Location Base").Value) Then oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseId='" & e.Row.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString & "'" 'oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseId='" & CType(e.Row.Cells("Location Base").EditorComponent, UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo).SelectedRow.Cells("LocationBaseId").Value.ToString & "'" ElseIf e.Row.Cells.Exists("Location Base") Then oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseId IS NULL" '& e.Row.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString & "'" End If oSQL &= " order by Description" Dim cboType As New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo Dim EditorButton2 As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButton = New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButton("ShowQ") EditorButton2.Key = "AddLoc" EditorButton2.Text = "..." EditorButton2.Tag = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(String), 4) EditorButton2.Tag(0) = oRow("ColumnName").ToString EditorButton2.Tag(1) = e.Row.GetCellValue("InspectionId").ToString EditorButton2.Tag(2) = e.Row.GetCellValue("ItemId").ToString Dim utToolTip As New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolTip.UltraToolTipInfo utToolTip.ToolTipTextFormatted = "<span style='font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;'>Click the '...' button to add a new" & LocationAlias & "<br/><hr/></span>" uttMain.SetUltraToolTip(cboType, utToolTip) cboType.ButtonsRight.Add(EditorButton2) AddHandler cboType.EditorButtonClick, AddressOf EditorButtonClick With cboType .DisplayMember = "Description" .ValueMember = "LocationId" .DataSource = eData.GetDataTable2(GetConnectionString, oSQL) .DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("LocationId").Hidden = True End With cboType.DisplayLayout.ScrollBounds = UltraWinGrid.ScrollBounds.ScrollToFill If TestUserSetting("SGFontSize") Then cboType.DisplayLayout.Override.RowAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = cUserSettings("SGFontSize") Else cboType.DisplayLayout.Override.RowAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 8.25 End If SetDropDownWidth(cboType, "Description") e.Row.Cells(oRow("ColumnName").ToString).Column.Width = cboType.Width e.Row.Cells(oRow("ColumnName").ToString).EditorComponent = cboType
The editor button on the drop down opens a new form to allow for a new location to be created and added to the drop down. When I come back from the form I want the location created to be the value for the cell. Here is the code from the EditorButton click event:
Private Sub EditorButtonClick(sender As Object, e As Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonEventArgs) Dim curCBO As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo = sender Dim curButton As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButton = curCBO.ButtonsRight(0) Dim oSQL As String
ElseIf curButton.Tag(0).ToString = LocationAlias Then Dim eRow As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow = CType(e.Context, Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridCell).Row Dim oForm As New frmLocation oForm.AddressId = AddressId oForm.txtAddress.Text = lblAddress.Text oForm.ucboDescription.Text = eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Text If eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Text <> "" AndAlso TypeOf eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Value Is Guid Then oForm.PrimaryKey = eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Value.ToString End If If eRow.Cells.Exists("Location Base") AndAlso eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not IsDBNull(eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value) Then 'SetSelectedRow(oForm.ucboLocationBase, "LocationBaseId", UCase(eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString)) oForm.LocationBaseId = eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString End If oForm.ShowDialog() If Not oForm.PrimaryKey Is Nothing Then Audit.SubRecordAudit(oForm.cboLocationType.Text, oForm.PrimaryKey, "Locations", clsAudit.SubRecordAuditTypes.AddRecord) ISDirty = True 'oSQL = "Select LocationBase, Cast(LocationBaseId as varchar(50)) as LocationBaseId from LocationBases where AddressId='" & AddressId & "' order by LocationBase" If eRow.Cells.Exists("Location Base") Then Dim cboType As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo = CType(eRow.Cells("Location Base").EditorComponent, Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo) 'eRow.Cells("Location Base").SetValue(DBNull.Value, True) 'cboType.DataSource = Nothing 'With cboType ' .DisplayMember = "LocationBase" ' .ValueMember = "LocationBaseId" ' .DataSource = eData.GetDataTable2(GetConnectionString, oSQL) ' .DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("LocationBaseId").Hidden = True 'End With 'SetDropDownWidth(cboType, "LocationBase") 'cboType.DisplayLayout.ScrollBounds = UltraWinGrid.ScrollBounds.ScrollToFill 'eRow.Cells("Location Base").EditorComponent = cboType SetSelectedRow(cboType, "LocationBaseId", UCase(oForm.LocationBaseId)) eRow.Cells("Location Base").SetValue(UCase(oForm.LocationBaseId), True) End If oSQL = "Select Description, LocationId from Locations where AddressId='" & AddressId & "' " 'oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseid IS NULL" If eRow.Cells.Exists("Location Base") AndAlso Not IsDBNull(eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value) Then oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseId='" & eRow.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString & "'" ElseIf eRow.Cells.Exists("Location Base") Then oSQL &= " AND LocationBaseId IS NULL" '& e.Row.Cells("Location Base").Value.ToString & "'" End If oSQL &= " order by Description" Dim NewLoc As String = eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Text eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).SetValue(DBNull.Value, True) 'curCBO.DataSource = Nothing With curCBO .DisplayMember = "Description" .ValueMember = "LocationId" .DataSource = eData.GetDataTable2(GetConnectionString, oSQL) .DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("LocationId").Hidden = True End With curCBO.DisplayLayout.ScrollBounds = UltraWinGrid.ScrollBounds.ScrollToFill SetDropDownWidth(curCBO, "Description") EBClick = TrueHere is my problem SetSelectedRow(CType(eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).EditorComponent, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo), "Description", NewLoc) eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Value = oForm.PrimaryKey EBClick = False End If If oForm IsNot Nothing Then oForm.Dispose()
What I get is not the Text description but the guid in the field that is hidden in the combo.
What am I doing wrong.
Any help would be great.
Sorry, I forgot to clean up my commented lines before posting.
Hello wlappin,
There are many different approaches to solve such task. Looking at your code, it is a little bit difficult to determinate where is the problem and maybe will be better to upload your sample. I`ll be glad to research it for you. Nevertheless, looking your code, I think that the issue is cause from that line:
eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).Value = oForm.PrimaryKey. Maybe you should provide here your Text (DisplayMember) instead of your ValueMember.
Before few months I made similar sample. Please take a look on attached sample and video file for more details. If you have any questions, feel free to write me or send us your sample. I`ll be glad to research it for you
Great !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
Actually the answer was very simple. I had done this before and lost the code in focusing to hard at this area. Here is the solution:
Old Code:
EBClick = True
SetSelectedRow(curCBO, "LocationId", oForm.PrimaryKey) eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).SetValue(oForm.PrimaryKey, True)
EBClick = False
EBClick = True SetSelectedRow(curCBO, "LocationId", UCase(oForm.PrimaryKey)) eRow.Cells(LocationAlias).SetValue(UCase(oForm.PrimaryKey), True)
Video file