Hi, how can i set the location of the popupcontrol container?Or when i have a button which shows the popup container (.show) how can i say that i show it above the button,under the bottom ?
Hello Martin,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
You can use the overload of Show() which takes an instance of PopupInfo to do what you want. Set the ExclusionRect property to the rectangle of the button that is showing the popup. Then set the Position property to either AboveExclusionRect or BelowExclusionRect.
Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. I have the following code. Can you check if it's okay. Because it Shows the popup not on the correct position
Dim buttonScreenLocation As Point = Me.cmd_button1.PointToScreen(Point.Empty)
Dim exclusionRect As New Rectangle(buttonScreenLocation, Me.cmd_button1.Size)
Dim PopInfo As New PopupInfo
PopInfo.ExclusionRect = exclusionRect
PopInfo.Position = DropDownPosition.BelowExclusionRect
PopInfo.PreferredLocation = buttonScreenLocation
Yes, it works fine.Best Regards Martin
Did that work for you?
Thank you for your response.
Your code is almost correct. To make your code completely correct, change the initialization of buttonScreenLocation to Me.PointToScreen(cmd_button1.Location).