Hello jeni,
Please try and set the UltraDockManager.LayoutStyle to FillContainer. The last docked DockAreaPane will fill the remaining space in the Form.
Let me know if this helps.
Could you give us an example solution for this concept please team
I am finding this docking manager realy confusing and non intuitive :¬(
I attached a sample that utilizes the FillContainer property. If you unpin the left dockareapane the pane docked to the right will automatically fill in the entire remaining space available. Let me know if you have any questions.
Your example works wonderfully :¬)
Sadly my code does not
One of Two reasons for this...
1) Im an idiot :¬)
2) I have to write in an Unsupported language C++ <spitspit>
I have attached my solution in case you want to have a look
Many thanks again for your time
Than you very much for the Fast reply :¬)