When I try to register the TreeNodesCollection of an UltraTree as a CAB-UIExtensionSite like this
RootWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(UIExtensionSiteNames.WindowTemplatesTreeNodes, this.Shell.WindowTemplateNodes);
I get the following error message:
"No UIElementAdapterFactory register for type Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.TreeNodesCollection."
I checked with your documentation and it says
UltraTreeNodeThe following objects can be registered as extension sites: Nodes collection WinTree™ control individual UltraTreeNode element
UltraTreeNodeThe following objects can be registered as extension sites:
Do I have to register a special AdapterFactory as stated in the error message or what else might I do wrong?
Thanks in advance and best regards, Gerald
Below is the code for registering the AdapterFactory for the tree. I believe this is no longer necessary in the newer versions but I haven't verified if that is the case.
IUIElementAdapterFactoryCatalog catalog = this.RootWorkItem.Services.Get<IUIElementAdapterFactoryCatalog>();catalog.RegisterFactory(new TreeUIAdapterFactory()); RootWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite("tree", this.Shell.tree);
As a follow-up, if you are using NetAdvantage 8.1, you do not need to write the extra line of code Sung mentioned; you will be able to register the TreeNodesCollection as a UIExtensionSite without having to register the associated UIAdapterFactory first.
I know this is an old thread, but i have somehow the same issue here: how can i wireup a cab command with UltraTreeNode?
What is the exact issue you are having? Are you getting an error message? If so, what version of NetAdvantage are you using?
Hi, sorry for late reply, my problem is that i cannot find a way to link a node click action with a CAB command. Is there a way to do this?
You can take a look at the following knowledge base article that does it for the ribbon. You will find the code in ModuleControler.cs. Follow the same methodology for the a tree node.
I have a similar issue with the ultraToolBarmanager (version 8.1.20081.1000). I can't seem to get it to register. Is there a factory similary to the TreeUIFactory?
Sorry Mark. I guess I missed the last post.
There isn't anything special you need to do with the ToolbarManagerWorkspace. Here is a Knowledge Base article on the ribbon and it is very similar
Also, here is a help article that shows you want you can register as an extension site:
Well, I'm glad Infragistics is as proactive as other providers. Two weeks later and no answer. Good Job!