Is there currently a way to keep a PopupMenuTool in the dropdown state when the user has selected a menu item?
I am currently working on an application which gives the user lots of choices, each is represented by a StateButtonTool in a PopupMenuTool and currently the user has to reopen the popup to select another item.
Hello Sean,
One possible solution could be :
private void ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e)
if (e.Tool.Owner.GetType() == typeof(PopupMenuTool))
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Georgi,
I am not using a ribbon but I have tweaked the code to work for a standard toolbar as follows:
private void childEntry_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Tool.Owner.GetType() == typeof(PopupMenuTool)) { ((PopupMenuTool)e.Tool.Owner).DropDown(); } }
However there is a very slight flicker when an item is clicked as the PopupMenuTool is hidden and then dropped again immediately.Do you know of anything which could stop this flicker, or do you have any alternative solutions to the original problem?
Thanks for the help.
I finally figured out how come I could not see the child controls that belong to the ToolBase item. These are Epicor screens so I do not have access to the source code. In the Epicor initialize method, the controls had not yet been added to the ToolBase. When I evaluated the ToolBase items in the BeforeToolDropdown event, they were there.
I am good to go on this now. Thank you for your help!