I'm struggling with setting the padding of a WinEditor, e.g. a TextEditor.
I would like to mark a mandatory text field with a colored bar at the left border of the text box. The width of
this bar is 8 pixels. So if I do this by using a background image, the entered text covers the bar.
Therefore, I would like to add an indent to the text. Is there a way to set the padding or the margin
of the embedded editor?
Thanks for the help.
Kind regards, Olivier
Hi Olivier,
Use the Image instead of the ImageBackground and the text will be shifted over.
Hi Mike,
thanks for the answer.
That's not really what I'm looking for though - if I use an image, it's impossible let the colored
shape fill the entire client area (text box top - bottom) on the left. There is always a white border.
And this also looks different when the editor is in edit mode.
So, I'd prefer keeping the background image. Do you know a way to set the padding?
best regards, olivier