If I make a change in design-mode to a form that has a DropDownList or an UltracomboEditor, I'm seeing a strange error. I'm trying to add a button -- the change I'm making to the form shouldn't affect the dropdown at all, but it does. It looks like when the .resx file is getting recreated, it somehow adds the wrong value. After the change, the form won't compile, and VS won't even let me reopen the form. Full text of the error is below. In the .Resx File:
<data name="ValueListItem24.DataValue" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64"> <value> AAEAAAD/////AQAAAAAAAAAEAQAAAB9TeXN0ZW0uVW5pdHlTZXJpYWxpemF0aW9uSG9sZGVyAwAAAARE YXRhCVVuaXR5VHlwZQxBc3NlbWJseU5hbWUBAAEICgIAAAAGAgAAAAAL </value> </data>
<data name="ValueListItem24.DataValue" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64">
Error 138 TargetInvocationException: Type in the data at line 1046, position 5, cannot be loaded because it threw the following exception during construction: Only one DBNull instance may exist, and calls to DBNull deserialization methods are not allowed.
at System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.ParseXml(XmlTextReader reader)
at System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.EnsureResData()
at System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.GetEnumerator()
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ProcessResourceFiles.ReadResources(ReaderInfo readerInfo, IResourceReader reader, String fileName)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ProcessResourceFiles.ReadResources(String filename, Boolean shouldUseSourcePath)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ProcessResourceFiles.ProcessFile(String inFile, String outFileOrDir)
XmlException: Type in the data at line 1046, position 5, cannot be loaded because it threw the following exception during construction: Only one DBNull instance may exist, and calls to DBNull deserialization methods are not allowed. Line 1046, position 5.
NotSupportedException: Only one DBNull instance may exist, and calls to DBNull deserialization methods are not allowed.
at System.DBNull..ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Brad Larsen
Stratis Business Systems, Inc.
Hello Brad Larsen,
Our engineering staff has examined this issue and reported that that it is a Microsoft Visual Studio issue. It has been reported by several people within the past year. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/729281/wrong-deserialization-winforms
To work around this issue, is it possible for you to not use DBNull as the first value and instead use add the item at run-time and setting it to null? Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Yes, I suppose we can use that workaround. It's a shame that such a basic .Net feature isn't working. That issue is closed on Microsoft's site, so it looks like they are not going to fix it either.
The workaround we have been using is just undo-ing the change. I manually take the value for DBNULL from history and overwrite the incorrectly serialized one. Seems to work. I assume you'd consider that a valid workaround as well, right?